VALE transformation journey to embrace innovation

Hélio Mosquim Junior, Global Head of Technology Business Partner at VALE started by explaining the business imperatives and great challenges the company intends to solve through innovation and the organization structure created to accommodate and manage squads around the globe. He mentioned several initiatives such as hackthons, design thinking workshops, open innovation, and strategic areas like Digital Lab, RPA Center, AI Center.

Mirela Siani shared her experience and learning by applying design thinking to create innovation roadmaps in collaboration with business areas and how this initiative took the relationship between business and IT areas to the next level.

Rafael Lychowski presented the Artificial Intelligence Center and mentioned the services and products offered to the business areas. He shared cases with tangible results and tips on how to implement a winning AI strategy.


Bruno Rocha talked about how RPA Robotic Process Automation technology has been applied to build the future of work, using mini-robots to automate low value-added activities, and freeing up people to direct their talent to what really matters. More than 1500 mini-robots have already been built by the business areas themselves through the IRPA Academy.

Finally, Jaqueline Kumm shared the case of developing an autonomous drill. The solution wa s developed in partnership with a university and is now maintained by VALE developers.


During the afternoon, innovation leaders met to discuss the main topics that should be addressed by the community in the following months according to their needs, and how the meetup experience could be improved in 2020.