Impact Week BOOTCAMP Schwitzerland & Ghana

Preparations and Team Building in the Swiss Alps - Team Ghana Gathers Momentum

The kick-off was given on the 13th of September with a “Design Thinking Bootcamp” in Switzerland, where Team Ghana had the chance to learn more about the innovative design thinking mindset, somewhere between cheese fondue and collective tooth brushing. Have you ever shared a bedroom with more than 20 people? We really got out of our comfort zone and to know each other very well.

The multicultural learning and exchange that is at the center of each Impact Week was evident already in the outstanding diversity of the coaching team. Coming from different cultural and professional backgrounds and from different nationalities, the group learned how to direct these differences towards promoting change. This shared passion for innovation and the motivation to learn from other cultures brought these individuals together in a powerful way under the common purpose of making a real impact.

The group is now working busily as a unified front to make sure that all the materials, content and necessary logistics are ready to go! We are very much excited to continue this enriching exchange in Accra and meet the local coaches, partners, students and entrepreneurs!

If you also cannot wait and want to learn more about Ghana and our local hosts, check our next posts to also become part of the Impact Week experience.

Impact Week Ghana — Preparations and Team Building in the Swiss Alps
Impact Week Ghana — Preparations and Team Building in the Swiss Alps

Onto the next Level:

Pushing our program with the BOOTCAMP in Ghana

During the last two days we have conducted the first Design Thinking Bootcamp on-site here in Ghana. We first tested this prototype during the Impact Week Rwanda, 2018. This additional module is a design thinking awareness training helping our Junior Coaches to get familiar with the approach and learn about human-centered design before learning how to coach during in the following Coach Camp.

Team Ghana 2019

Lead Organizer

Christine Wenzel

Organizational Development, CW Business Coaching & Consulting

Lead Organizer

Joern Bruecker

Product Group Manager Innovation Methodology


Content Lead

Karma Morcos

Innovation Methodology Specialist


Content Lead

Sabine Muth

Strategie  Innovation  



Stina Kozok

Innovation & Brand Strategy

Video Storytelling

Michiel Voogt

Michiel Voogt Productions