In 2015 the program Impact Week started in Nairobi, Kenya. Over the years a group of engaged professors and lecturers at Africa Nazarene University continued conducting and developing this initiative, spreading the mindset, and building a local innovation and design thinking competence.

In 2020, three international Innovation Coaches from Design at Business joined the ANU once more.
A week full of immersion into the cultural and behavioral mindset of the Kenyan culture, fruitful conversations, and sharing and gaining knowledge. This engagement showed us that collaboration across borders and inspiring each other is as important as letting things grow in their own speed and develop for their own cultural needs to build the basis for the next step.
"Our connection is captured in our hearts"

Thank You!
Many thanks to all participants, students, professors, lecturers and coaches, for the great conversations in the beautiful gardens of ANU. Through your openness we were able to learn and take away so much.
Many thanks to dear James Obuhuma and dear John Ngila for the wonderful organization and preparation, and the always so enriching exchange.
Many thanks to Michiel Voogt, our videographer, without him this insightful video wouldn't exist.
Dear Dana Wilk, thank you for bringing us home safely despite all the adversities.
Dear Joern Bruecker, thank you for making it possible.