Recap of 3rd Collaboration Circle. What does great Experience Design look like? And how to create customer experiences with empathy and compassion in the world of art, innovation and digitalization?
… aren’t you already a Design Thinking Professor?”, my former boss asked me when I reported that I will join the Design Thinking Coach Education of Nestlé. Last December I graduated and here are my reflections on the value of the program for me and for the Design Thinking community. By Timo Sackmann
The joint enterprise design thinking journey started in 2013, when Joern Bruecker, Product Group Manager, Innovation Methodology at Nestlé in Vevey, and Jochen Gürtler, Senior Design Strategist and Design Thinking Expert, met for the first time.
At this point of time Nestlé was about to reorganize one part of their IT organization. Given the long historic partnership between SAP und Nestle, Jochen and Joern teamed up to implement Design Thinking at Nestlé IT.
In December 2018 coaches and facilitators from a variety of companies congregated at St. Pete Beach, Florida to host the second Design at Business (DatB) Unconference. Learning from the first iteration in 2017, we covered a widespread variety of challenging topics in our two and a half days together.